石川県 羽咋市 気多大社参拝 能登ドライブデート 石川県ドライブ 能登国一宮 大雪 スタッドレス必要の日






北陸の一角にありながら朝廷の尊崇が厚く、神階も累進して貞観元年(八五九)には正二位勲一等から従一位にのぼっている。このような国家の厚遇は、東北経営、あるいは新羅や渤海を中心とした対外関係とも無縁ではあるまい。能登半島の要衝に鎮座する気多大社の神威が中央国家に及んでいたのである。近年、南方八〇〇メートルの地に発見された寺家遺跡は縄文前期から中世にわたり、大規模な祭祀関係の出土品や遺構類は気多大社とのかかわりあいをしのばせる有力な資料となっている。 延喜の制では名神大社に列して祈年の国幣にあずかった。「神名帳」によれば、気多神社と称するものが但島、能登、越中、越後(居多神社と称する)にあるほか、加賀には気多御子神社があり、国史見在社として越前に気多神社がある。日本海沿岸にひろく気多の神が祭られていたことを知ることができ、古代における気多大社の神威がしのばれる。

近世は、前田利家をはじめ歴代の藩主が崇敬し、社領三百五十石を寄進したほか、祈願、祈祷はもとよりしばしば社殿の造営をした。本殿(大己貴命)、拝殿、神門、摂社若宮神社(事代主命)、摂社白山神社(以上国指定重要文化財)、神庫、随身門(ともに県指定文化財)がそれである。 加賀藩の保護した社叢(国の天然記念物)には奥宮が鎮座し、「入らずの森」と呼ばれる聖域となっている。昭和五十八年五月二十二日、全国植樹祭に御来県の昭和天皇が本社に行幸され、入らずの森に踏み入られ「斧入らぬ みやしろの森 めずらかに からたちばなの 生ふるを見たり」と御製を詠まれました。昭和天皇は、決してみだりに採取などなさらず、それぞれの植物が平穏に存続をつづけ、その場所の植物相がいつまでも変わらないようにとお祈りになっておられるからである。「斧入らぬみやしろの森」は、そのおよろこびなのである。明治四年(一八七一)に国幣中社、大正四年(一九一五)には国幣大社となり、現在も北陸道屈指の大社として知られる。

2023/1/29 大雪の日の気多大社



参拝する歩行部分は除雪されていますので滑らないように歩きます 境内には、参拝順序の放送が自動で流れておりそれに沿って迷わずに参拝できます


令和五年初詣限定 五柱五願守 ごはしらいつつのねがいまもり



氣多大社の本殿には大己貴神 ( おおなむちのかみ )奥宮に須佐之男尊 ( すさのおのみこと ) 、奇稲田姫 ( くしなだひめ )若宮神社に事代主神 ( ことしろぬしのかみ )白山神社に菊理姫神 ( くくりひめのかみ ) が鎮座しています。


五柱五願守初穂料 1000円 です



Day of the Hakui-shi, Ishikawa Keta-Taisha Shrine worship Noto drive date Ishikawa drive Noto country Ichinomiya heavy snow stud boltless need

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Ishikawa was in Noto and went to Keta-Taisha Shrine


  1. With Keta-Taisha Shrine
  2. Keta-Taisha Shrine of the day of 2023/1/29 heavy snow
  3. I keep the wish of five 令和五年初詣限定五柱五願守 chopsticks and others
  4. Chrysanthemum law of nature Himekami (くくりひめのかみ) is enshrined in 事代主神 (do the master chew) Shirayama Shrine in 須佐之男尊 (すさのおのみこと), Princess strangeness Inada (くしなだひめ) Wakamiya Shrine in large oneself your God (the whip chew) deepest-placed shrine in a main hall of 氣多大社.
  5. Access map

With Keta-Taisha Shrine

From Keta-Taisha Shrine HP

Times when Noto country was some Ecchu countries in 741 (Tenpyo 13), Ichinomiya of the Ecchu country were current Keta-Taisha Shrine. It is “Manyoshu” that sees Keta-Taisha Shrine for central documents for the first time. When went round, at first, in 748 (748), 越中守大伴家持 visits Noto for loaning in the head office, and “direct exceed it if come sea and calm down in the morning, and do it 船楫 もがも of Hakui from 之乎路” (when go straight over Shio Highway, the sea of Hakui performs morning calm. A ship and an oar were desired things and wrote it with). The head office is respected to a cuttlefish, and it is revealed that I already had power of God to become one shrine of Noto later in those days.
尊崇 of the Imperial Court is thick and the shrine rank promotes successively and rises to the sub-first place from the original second place First Order of Merit in 859 (859) while being in the corner of Hokuriku. Such a national hospitality will not be unrelated to Tohoku management or the foreign relations around Silla and Bohai either. Power of God of Keta-Taisha Shrine enshrined in the strategic point of Noto Peninsula extended to the central nation. In late years the remains of Buddhist temple discovered in the ground of 800, Nanbo meter last for the Middle Ages from the first half year in Jomon, and, as for the large-scale religious service-affiliated excavated article and remains of an ancient structure, it is an influential document reminding me of a relationship with Keta-Taisha Shrine. I ranked among the Meishin Expressway big shrine in the system of the Engi era and had votive offerings made by a provincial governor of the praying for a good harvest. According to “the name of a god book,” 但島, Noto, Ecchu, Echigo (I call myself a residence multi-Shinto shrine) have the thing which calls itself a mind multi-Shinto shrine, and there is a mind multi-Imperial son Shinto shrine to Kaga, and I see the history of nation, and there is a mind multi-Shinto shrine to Echizen as being in the office. I can know that mind multi-の God was enshrined at the Sea of Japan coast widely, and power of God of Keta-Taisha Shrine in the ancient times is born.

Oblation of the land belonging to a Shinto shrine of protection Hatakeyama of Noto, the building of the main shrine are seen. Staying middle shrine Wakamiya Shrine (country-designated important cultural property) is still focused on as a building by the rebuilding of Hatakeyama in the Middle Ages of Ishikawa.
In the early modern times, successive feudal lords did veneration including Toshiie Maeda, and oblation did 350 koku of land belonging to a Shinto shrine, and the prayer, the prayer often built the main shrine from the start. A main hall (large oneself command), a front shrine, a shrine gate, middle shrine Wakamiya Shrine (事代主命), middle shrine Shirayama Shrine (country-designated important cultural property), a museum, a guardian god at Shinto temple’s gate (together prefectural designated cultural assets) are them. A deepest-placed shrine is enshrined in the shrine forest (natural monument of the country) that the Kaga feudal clan protected and becomes the sanctuary called “the forest which does not enter”. On May 22, 1983, I came for a national tree-planting ceremony, and the Emperor Showa of the prefecture was performed a royal visit of by the head office, and it was stepped in the forest which did not enter, and Emperor’s composition was composed on saying “I see forest めずらかにからたちばなの student ふるを of Miyashiro whom an ax did not enter”. The Emperor Showa does not gather it abusively at all, and each plant continues continuing peacefully, and this is because he/she is prayed when the flora of the place do not change forever. “The forest of Miyashiro whom an ax does not enter” is the joy. It becomes the votive offerings made by a provincial governor big shrine in votive offerings made by a provincial governor middle-scale shrine, 1915 (1,915) in 1871 (1,871) and is known now as a big shrine outstanding of Hokuriku Expressway.

Keta-Taisha Shrine of the day of 2023/1/29 heavy snow

It is the weather forecast of the heavy snow on that day. In the parking lot which could run in an FF stud bolt reply of 2WD commonly as the snow removing was done, as for the one side snow scene, the snow, there might be 25cm in the daytime

It snows silently

I can go and worship without broadcast of the worship order being automatic, and drifting to the precincts that I walk not to slip as the walk part to go and worship is cleared of snow, and hesitating along it

While snow is deep, as for the worshiper here and there

I keep the wish of five 令和五年初詣限定五柱五願守 chopsticks and others

I confer the God lucky charm which put the wish of five gods only in a New Year’s visit to a Shinto shrine for harmony five years to give it an order to start at 0:00 a.m. on New Year’s Day and am started
I had you confer this lucky charm, too

Keta-Taisha Shrine HP

Chrysanthemum law of nature Himekami (くくりひめのかみ) is enshrined in 事代主神 (do the master chew) Shirayama Shrine in 須佐之男尊 (すさのおのみこと), Princess strangeness Inada (くしなだひめ) Wakamiya Shrine in large oneself your God (the whip chew) deepest-placed shrine in a main hall of 氣多大社.

This lucky charm becomes only the conferment in 氣多大社. I do not seem to accept the mail

五柱五願守It is money offered to God charges 1,000 yen
Hokuriku can realize that I see branch-supporting snow-ropes

Past Ishikawa article


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 Hokuriku Narihira

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